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The new OHTAS website.....

Updated: Mar 31, 2021

So there were basically two reasons for making this web site: 1) I felt there was a need for a place to post info and push notifications that didn't depend on Facebook IM or Roll 20. Greg, for example doesn't use FB and R20 doesn't really offer much in the way of forum type interactions or blogs (like this); 2) I just felt like making a website.

So here is the official Oak Hill Traveller's Aid Society (OHTAS) web page. In the forum you'll find session writeups, house rules explanations, and anything else you or I would care to discuss.

Under "Cast" you'll find a list of all the NPC's you've encountered so far with a brief description of their role in the game. The (tentative) game schedule will be posted under "Events".

The "Blog" section is a place for me to comment on the progress of the game or anything else I feel like talking about.

The "Forum" section has session writeups, rule mods, and general discussion threads.

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1 comentário

02 de abr. de 2021

Great Job Mike.

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