Taking a taxi to the address provided by Tronstadt the characters and Tegan find themselves on a dimly lit street in front of an unmarked door.
High walls topped with razor wire block the view of the large warehouses and windowless buildings of Pryden City’s industrial district. With no one else about at this late hour, the characters mange to force open the exterior door. A second door locked door is behind the first, but it too is forced open to reveal a long, darkened hallway.
Making their way forward into a lit portion of the warehouse they peer past two large hangar doors into a larger chamber containing cargo boxes and barrels and an air car. A few workers are going about their business while a couple of guards stand by.
On the far side of the room are two much larger double hangar doors, both of which are closed. One, however, has a built-in, human sized door that is open revealing what looks like the landing gear of a large spaceship. This must be the Pioneer Moon.
Tegan enables her stealth armor, while the rest of the characters creep around the North side of the smaller chamber, avoiding the attention of the guards. The are detected, however, just before reaching the small door. A gun fight ensues, as the workers dive for cover.
Tegan is nowhere to be seen, but she has presumably made a run for the ship. Following along as they engage the guards, they make it past the hangar doors into the much larger chamber housing what is indeed a 200 Ton Beowulf Class Free Trader.
More guards arrive but are cut down by the accurate fire of our seasoned veterans, and eventually all make it aboard the ship. Tegan has in fact made it in ahead of the characters and is warming up the engines for a quick take off. Fortunately, the overhead hangar doors are open.
A few more guards are encountered onboard the ship, but these are also dispatched, as Tegan rushes from the engine room to the bridge. She draws up the boarding ramp, seals the airlocks and initiates the launch sequence. When clear of the hangar doors, she engages the main engines, and the Pioneer Moon races upward to escape Pryden’s atmosphere with Fred in the Co-Pilot’s seat.
Before leaving the system, they need to rendezvous with “The Barge” which is in orbit around Pryden. “The Barge” is an experimental, one-of-a-kind, Jump extension drive. It is essentially a large, detachable, self-contained Jump drive that can work in conjunction with the Pioneer Moon’s drive to extend Jump range. It attaches to the Moon by the “mass umbilical” so called because its mass is sufficient to make the Barge and the Moon seem like one unit when Jump is engaged. It also carries fuel and control signals between the two drives. The Barge is not streamlined and thus cannot enter a planet’s atmosphere. It also has no landing gear. It must be “parked” in orbit before the Moon can land on the surface of any planet.
Racing to pick up the Barge they are attacked by three light fighters attempting to prevent their escape. The fighters are nimbler, but the Moon is well armed. Ethan, Jack and Nevada man the guns while Tegan operates the ship’s defenses, letting Fred pilot the Moon toward the barge. The fighters score hits on the Moon as Fred maneuvers the ship to simultaneously reach the Barge and provide the gunners with the best possible shots.
After several exchanges of laser fire, the expert piloting and gunnery of the Moon’s new crew cause them to abandon the chase, having taken as much damage as they could stand. The Barge is recovered, and Tegan sets the Jump coordinates for the nearby Solod system where they can re-fuel and repair their damage.